In these workshops, three innovative tools for ocean energy consenting were presented to developers & test centres, and regulators. These environmental toolkits provide easily accessible and up-to-date information to help developers, test sites, regulators and policymakers in the consenting of wave and tidal energy projects.
The Marine Energy Environmental Toolkit for Permitting and Licensing is a one-stop shop for academic, spatial, and regulatory information to facilitate the permitting and licensing of marine renewable energy projects in the U.S. The development team will showcase the toolkit and look for feedback in order to land it on the European shores!
The Wave Energy Converters Ecological Risk Assessment tool and the VAPEM tool, developed by the WESE project, offer an interactive assessment and visualisation of the pressures and ecosystem elements that might be affected during the life cycle of a wave farm. They are aimed at supporting all stakeholders during the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment of wave energy projects.