Caitlin Long, EMEC
Laura Zubiate, BiMEP
Ocean energy projects face technical and non-technical barriers that increase the necessary time for the deployment and increase projects costs. Test centres are pivotal for the development of ocean energy and to tackle non-technological barriers, as they offer accessibility to infrastructures, simplified permitting processes (pre-consented areas) and pre-established logistics that could otherwise be an excessive burden for pre-commercial developers that strive to start testing their devices.
Nevertheless, test centres’ prominent role could be further developed by transferring data retrieved by projects to future projects, avoiding the duplication of work and decreasing monitoring costs. Data transferability can pave the ground for an easier, streamlined impact assessment and consenting process, therefore increasing the benefits that test sites can offer.
However, aspects such as confidentiality agreements with technology developers, regarding non-technical data, and lack of organisation of existing information (e.g. data management platforms) may be hindering data transferability and test sites support.
In this webinar, two European leading ocean energy test centres discuss the potential, challenges and opportunities of data transfer.