Knowledge Hub: Research report

Ocean energy farms are instrumental to technological and industrial progress and must be a central focus of innovation efforts until…
21 Oct 2024

Offshore renewables paving the way for a competitive climate-neutral Europe by 2050
This joint ETIP Ocean and ETIPWind report aims to outline the key policy measures and R&I priorities that will allow…
18 Oct 2024

Report on infrastructural and industrial production requirements
The ETIP Ocean report on infrastructural and industrial production requirements, authored by the University of Edinburgh, quantifies the potential scale…

By Dr Donald R Noble

Guide on best practices for local community engagement in ocean energy
Inclusive, frequent and transparent local community engagement reinforces local support for ocean energy projects, according to a new ETIP Ocean…
11 Dec 2023

Ocean Energy and Net Zero: An International Roadmap to Develop 300GW of Ocean Energy by 2050
The International Energy Agency’s Technology Collaboration Programme on Ocean Energy Systems (IEA-OES) has unveiled their latest publication, ‘Ocean Energy and…
29 Nov 2023

NEMMO report: Study on socio-economic impacts of tidal energy
The NEMMO project team recently conducted a socio-economic assessment to identify the possible socio-economic impacts that may arise during the…
04 Sep 2023

IRENA-OEE report: Scaling up investments in ocean energy technologies
Public financing of ocean energy must be designed to create a ‘pull’ for private investment in a global market that…
30 Mar 2023

Industrial Roadmap for Ocean Energy
By taking the lead in the global ocean energy market, Europe will benefit from economic activity worth €140bn by 2050,…

By Henry Jeffrey & Shona Pennock & Jose Luis Villate & Dr. Pablo Ruiz-Minguela & Donagh Cagney & Lotta Pirttimaa

Wave energy array’s global warming potential up to 40x lower than fossil fuel generation’s
A new study by the University of Edinburgh suggests that the global warming potential of future wave energy arrays will…

By Shona Pennock

A study into the potential social value offered to Europe from the development and deployment of wave and tidal energy to 2050
This new ETIP Ocean report gathers evidence on the direct and indirect impacts, in terms of job creation, training needs…

By Dr. Pablo Ruiz-Minguela & Jose Luis Villate